Welcome to
The SAP Project.

It's perfectly okay to be yourself.

Being an educator for over a decade has given me a keen ability and passionate life mission to bring awareness and understanding of a young child's emotional world.

When children reach the sensitive age of adolescence, their minds and emotions mature in multiple areas; as a result, some vulnerable situations arise, especially regarding social areas involving their peers and everyone around them.

As I've been working with children from this age group, I dreamed of giving them warmth, understanding, and a guiding hand they so craved. With the evolvement of this amazing project, I have worked several years to include self-empowerment in social situations as well as in thoughts and how to navigate their day-to-day trials with their emotions and self-esteem intact. The immense feedback I've gotten from my past participants is what propels me to forge on and bring light and hope to our future generations. 

Bruchie Schiff
Creator, The SAP Project


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Our very own, highly interactive game called
Feel it teaches students to identify their feelings
by using real-life scenarios.

We also offer a slideshow presentation called Invisible where students can watch how their peers might feel if their feelings are being disregarded, thereby adding more harmony into their social lives.


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Contact us to give your students a gift they can keep beyond their school years!

EMAIL: info@thesapproject.com
PHONE: (845)-204-8333

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